

Accepted by Publicacions Matemàtiques

S.D., M. Jung, M. Mazzitelli, and J.M. Rodríguez

(Universitat de València)

Revista Matemática Complutense

S.D., P. Hájek, and T. Russo

(Universitat de València)

S.D., D. García, M. Maestre, and Ó. Roldán

Book chapter (Birkhäuser):

Operator and Norm Inequalities and Related Topics (2022)

(Universitat Jaume I)

S.D., S.K. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Mazzitelli

Book chapter: The Mathematical Legacy of Victor Lomonosov (2020)

(Czech Technical University in Prague)

S.D., S.K. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Mazzitelli

RACSAM (2020)

(Czech Technical University in Prague)

F. Cabello-Sánchez, S.D., V. Kadets, S.K. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Martín

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2020)

(Czech Technical University in Prague)

S.D., V. Kadets, S.K. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Martín

Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2018)

(Czech Technical University in Prague)

S.D., S.K. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Mazzitelli

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2018)

(Pohang University of Science and Technology)

S.D., D. García, S.K. Kim, U.Y. Kim, H.J. Lee, and M. Maestre

The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (2018)

(Pohang University of Science and Technology)