54. (Upcoming) Granada, Spain, 2025, May


Type: Conference

Event: BIRS workshop “Functional and Metric Analysis and their Interactions”

Date(s): from 25/05/2025 to 30/05/2025

53. (Upcoming) Seoul, South Korea, 2025, February

Title: The latest developments on strong subdifferentiable norms of Banach spaces

Type: Conference

Event: The 20th ILJU School of Mathematics

Date(s): from 04/02/2025 to 08/02/2025

52. (Upcoming) Vlachovice, Czech Republic, 2025, January


Type: Conference

Event: 52nd Winter School in Abstract Analysis

Date(s): from 11/01/2025 to 18/01/2025

50. Badajoz, Spain, 2024, June

Title: On non-norm-attaining operators

Type: Conference

Event: Methods in Banach spaces

Date(s): from 11/06/2024 to 14/06/2024

49. Madrid, Spain, 2024, May

Title: Searching for linear structures in Functional Analysis

Type: Seminar

Event: Departamento de Matemática Aplicada a la Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Date(s): 2024/05/27

48. Seoul, South Korea, 2024, April

Title: Norm-attaining lattice homomorphisms

Type: Seminar

Event: KIAS Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar

Date(s): 2024/04/25

47. Prague, Czech Republic, 2024, April

Title: Norm-attaining tensors

Type: Seminar

Event: Set Theory and Analysis Seminar – Institute of Mathematics (Czech Academy of Sciences) 

Date(s): 2024/04/23

46. Pohang, South Korea, 2024, January

Title: The latest developments on norm-attatining tensors

Type: Conference

Event: The 19th ILJU School of Mathematics. Banach Spaces and Related Topics : Commemorating the 65th Birthday of Professor Yun Sung Choi

(You can download here Yun Sung’s family diagram)

Date(s): 2024/01/22 – 26/01/2024 

45. Zaragoza, Spain, 2023, November

Title: Funciones definidas en espacios de Banach que alcanzan su máximo

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminario Rubio de Francia del IUMA

Date(s): 2023/11/23

44. Madrid, Spain, 2023, September

Title: On nuclear operators and when they attain their norms

Type: Conference

Event: XVII Workshop de Jóvenes Investigadores (Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Date(s): 2023/09/27

43. Granada, Spain, 2023, September

Title: On the strong subdifferentiability of some (not that classical) Banach spaces

Type: Seminar

Event: Special Session of IMAG Functional Analysis Seminar (on the occasion of Alicia Quero’s PhD defense)

Date(s): 2023/09/26

42. Seoul, South Korea, 2023, April

Title: Smooth norms in normed spaces

Type: Seminar

Event: KIAS Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar

Date(s): 2023/04/26

41. Valencia, Spain, 2023, February

Title: Funciones que alcanzan su máximo

Type: Conference

Event: Xerrada a la Facultat de Matemàtiques (Campus Burjassot-Paterna)

Date(s): 2023/02/16

40. Seoul, South Korea, 2023, January

Title: On holomorphic functions attaining their weighted norms

Type: Conference

Event: 18th ILJU School of Mathematics

Date(s): 2023/01/28 and 2023/02/03

39. Campina Grande, Brazil, 2023, January

Title: Um ”quase esquecido” (mas natural) conceito de diferenciabilidade em espaços de Banach (não tão clássicos assim)

Type: Conference (online)

Event: Verão 2023 UFCG (Sessão Análise Funcional)

Date(s): 2023/01/23 and 2023/01/24

38. Sněžné, Czech Republic, 2023, January

37. Ciudad Real, Spain, 2022, January

36. La Laguna/Valencia, Spain, 2021, September

35. São Paulo, Brazil 2021, June

Title: Tensores (simétricos) e operadores nucleares que atingem a norma

Type: Seminar (online)

Event: Seminário de Análise Funcional e Teoria Descritiva dos Conjuntos

Date(s): 2021/06/18

34. Castellón, Spain 2021, April

Title: On (recent advances in) norm-attaining theory

Type: Seminar

Event: Analysis Seminars of the Mathematics Department of Universitat Jaume I 

Date(s): 2021/04/22

33. Tartu, Estonia 2020, November

Title: Octahedral norms in free Banach lattices (part I/part II)

Type: Shared online talk with Gonzalo Martínez Cervantes

Event: Funktsionaalanalüüsi seminar (online)

Link of the talk: https://math.ut.ee/en/content/functional-analysis-seminar

Date(s): 2020/11/13

32. Buenos Aires, Argentina 2020, November

Title: Norm-attaining Nuclear Operators

Type: Online seminar

Event: Seminario de Análisis Funcional del Departamento de Matemática de la Universidad de Buenos Aires

Webpage: https://grupofuncional.wixsite.com/website/zoominario

Link of the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzZh86DYeys

Date(s): 2020/11/03

31. Tartu, Estonia 2020, February

Title: On norm-attaining and Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás properties

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminars on Functional Analysis at Tartu University

Date(s): 2020/02/18 and 2020/02/25

30. Castellón, Spain 2020, January

Title: Strongly subdierentiability and the Bollobás theorem

Type: Conference

Event: V Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME – Castelló 2020

Date(s): 2020/01/27 – 2020/01/31

29. Valencia, Spain 2020, January

Title: Smooth norms in dense subspaces of Banach spaces

Type: Poster

Event: XVII Encuentros Análisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia

Date(s): 2020/01/27 – 2020/01/31

28. Seoul, South Korea 2020, January

Title: Smooth norms in dense subspaces of Banach spaces

Type: Conference

Event: The 15th ILJU School of Mathematics. Banach spaces and related topics

Date(s): 2020/01/13 – 2020/01/17

27. Madrid, Spain 2019, September

Title: Dense subspaces which admit smooth norms

Type: Conference

Event: Workshop on Banach spaces and Banach lattices

Date(s): 2019/09/09 – 2019/09/13

26. Pohang, South Korea 2019, August

Title: On some dense subspaces with C^k-smooth norms

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminar at the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH

Date(s): 2019/08/19

25. Lviv, Ukraine 2019, June

Title: Subdiferentiability and the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás theorem

Type: Conference

Event: Banach Spaces and their Applications: on the occasion of A.M.Plichko 70th birthday

Date(s): 2019/06/26 – 2019/06/30

24. Metábief, France 2019, June

Title: Smooth norms on dense subspaces

Type: Conference

Event: Banach spaces and optimization: on the occasion of R. Deville 60th birthday

Date(s): 2019/06/16 – 2019/06/21

23. Svratka, Czech Republic 2019, January

Title: Microtransitivity in L_p-spaces

Type: Conference

Event: 47th Winter School in Abstract Analysis

Date(s): 2019/01/12 – 2019/01/19

22. Murcia, Spain 2018, December

Title: On Banach spaces whose group of isometries acts micro-transitively

Type: Conference

Event: XVI Encuentros Murcia-Valencia

Date(s): 2018/12/13 – 2018/12/15

21. Prague, Czech Republic 2018, October

Title: Some Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás type properties

Type: Talk

Event: Set Theory and Analysis Seminar – Institute of Mathematics (Czech Academy of Sciences) 

Date(s): 2018/10/09

20. Valencia, Spain 2018, September

Title: Local Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás properties

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminar at the Mathematical Analysis Department

Date(s): 2018/09/20

19. Seoul, South Korea 2018, August

Title: The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás and absolute sums

Type: Talk

Event: Seminar at the Department of Mathematics Education

Date(s): 2018/08/31

17. Daejeon, South Korea 2018, February

Title: On the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás point property

Type: Conference

Event: The 13th ILJU School of Mathematics: Banach Spaces and Related Topics

Date(s): 2018/01/26 – 2017/02/02

16. Jeonju, South Korea 2017, December

Title: On the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás type theorems

Type: Conference

Event: 2017 Pohang Mathematics Workshop

Date(s): 2017/12/08 – 2017/12/10

15. Valencia, Spain 2017, October

Title: Recent results of the Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás point property

Type: Conference

Event: Conference on Non-linear Functional Analysis

Date(s): 2017/10/17 – 2017/10/20

14. Valencia, Spain 2016, July

Title: A kind of Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás theorem

Type: Conference

Event: Primer Congrés Predoc

Date(s): 2016/07/21 – 2016/07/22

13. Alcoy, Spain 2016, July

Title: On a vector valued Bollobás theorem for compact operators

Type: Conference

Event: XV Encuentros Análisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia

Date(s): 2016/07/14 – 2016/07/16

12. Cartagena, Spain 2016, June

Title: The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás point property

Type: Conference

Event: IV Workshop in Functional Analysis

Date(s): 2016/06/09 – 2016/06/10

11. Cartagena, Spain 2016, June

Title: The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for compact operators

Type: Poster

Event: ALEL 2016. International Conference in Optimization Theory and its Applications

Date(s): 2016/06/06 to 2016/06/08

10. Pohang, South Korea 2016, May

Title: The compact operators and the BPBp

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminar at the Department of Mathematics at POSTECH

Date(s): 2016/05/06

9. Suwon, South Korea 2016, April

Title: The strong Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property

Type: Conference

Event: Korean Mathematical Society Spring Meeting

Date(s): 2016/04/22 – 2016/04/24

8. Seoul, South Korea 2016, March

Title: The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property for compact operators

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminar at Hanyang University

Date(s): 2016/04/22 – 2016/04/24

7. Valencia, Spain 2016, February

Title: A Kim-Lee type theorem for bounded linear operators

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminar at Polytechnic University of Valencia

Date(s): 2016/02/03

6. Valencia, Spain 2016, January

Title: The strong Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminari Predoc Matemàtiques

Date(s): 2016/01/21

5. Valencia, Spain 2016, January

Title: La propiedad fuerte de Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás

Type: Conference

Event: III Cong. del Máster en Investigación Matemática y del Doctorado en Matemáticas

Date(s): 2016/01/11 and 2016/01/12

4. Valencia, Spain 2015, July

Title: A super Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás property

Type: Conference

Event: XIV Encuentros de Análisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia (Manuel Maestre Birthday)

Date(s): 2015/07/24 – 2015/07/26

3. Granada, Spain 2015, April

Title: Sobre el teorema de Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás para operadores lineales

Type: Seminar

Event: Young researchers Math seminar

Date(s): 2015/04/17

2. São Paulo, Brazil 2015, April

Title: A propriedade de Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminários em Análise Funcional

Date(s): 2015/04/01

1. Valencia, Spain 2014, March

Title: Sobre el teorema de Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás

Type: Seminar

Event: Seminari Predoc Matemàtiques

Date(s): 2014/03/05